Beat on the Brat

-Tweaked difficulty with Hexen monsters, making enemies less tanky.
-Fixed Mayhem Mode being broken in Heretic and Hexen.
-Added hammer cocking sound to Handcannon primary.
-Fixed cutoff in Sledgehammer altfire.
-Fixed issue with Shell Mines and Semtex bricks being unable to be retrieved if you reach it's limit without the Backpack when you have it.
-Added toggle for the Slugthrower's trails, since those seem to cause some nasty framerate issues.
-Made the Mayhem Mode swings significantly faster.
-Increased horizontal spread for Enhanced shotgun shells.
-Fixed issue with Baseball Bat taunt having three visible hands.

-Tweaked Enhanced Assault Rifle/LMG puffs and the Assault Rifle's flamethrower smoke (above).
-Added enhanced shot alt-fire for the Handcannon
-Fixed Slugthrower being selectable without magazine/reserve ammo
-Fixed Semtex projectile offset, now it fires correctly from the left side instead of the right.
Raven Patch:
-Replaced a few more powerups with mode items.
-Porkalator/Flechette/Disc Of Repulsion/Morph Ovum replaced with Frag Grenades.
-Fixed the camera and player speed not returning to normal after Nano-Defib revival mid-slide.


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