Complete Update List

-Replaced Enhanced/Alt-fire Popgun trails.
-Fixed issue with Slugthrower puffs.
-Slightly rebalanced Revolver altfire: Higher charges lower direct damage and increase projectile speed and area of effect damage.

All charged shots are capped to 75,95, 35,55 and 15,25.
Low-charge shot deals more damage (85 = 75,95)
Half-charge shot explosion + shot deal more damage. (25/75 = 45,55/100)
Full-charge shot fire deals 3x damage compared to the previous. (30/1 per tic = 25/4 per tic) 

- Lowered Revolver ammo pickups to 3/6.
- Lowered max Revolver ammo to 20/40.

- Full-charge shots now consume just one bullet, and are single-target.
-Fixed issue with Enh. Ammo counter.
-Slightly retouched explosion visual effects.

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