A downloadable mod

Original description:
"so, a few years ago, i started a weapons mod. it was janky, ugly and frankly, just a badly made jumble of community resources and realm667 assets kitbashed into existence.
then one day i deleted my doom files accidentally while removing junk from my pc and never retrieved that mod.
then, after some time and decorate skill development, i made something similar to what i had in mind back then. made some fixes here and there, and boom, here it is.
my first public weapon mod. compatible with lzdoom, gzdoom and zandronum."

Showcase by Matt Eldrydge.

Mods used in screenshots:
Screenshot 1: Doom 2, vanilla
Screenshot 2: Dimension of the Boomed, Legion of Bones
Screenshot 3: Rampancy, Scythe 2

Published 7 days ago
CategoryGame mod
TagsDoom, lfw, Singleplayer, weapon-mod


OperationApollyon1.7.pk3 7.3 MB

Install instructions

Compatible with GZDoom and Zandronum.
Just drag and drop to the sourceport's .exe file by itself or with your map and monster set of choice, or load it with a launcher/mod loader.