Minor Updates And Tweaks

-Fixed issue with Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher displaying the wrong slots on their pickup messages.
-Increased Pistol and Uzi damage to 5, AUTOs to 10.
-Increased Uzi and AUTOs cap to 9999.
-Increased Shotgun ammo pickup from 3 to 6, and AUTO ammo from 20 to 40.
-Fixed Pistol drops dropping the vanilla pistol.
-Increased Shotgun damage to 17, 102 in total.
-Fixed Pistols' alternating shots having wrong smoke effect.
-Fixed Desert Eagle's Laser Sight dealing less damage than it's hip-fire mode.
-Increased Shotgun and Desert Eagle ammo cap to 999
-Halved Shotgun ammo pickups dropped by enemies
-Increased MP5 ammo pickup to 40
-Ammo Crates now give twice the ammount of a regular pickup
-Fixed fullscreen HUD not displaying 4-digit ammo counters properly
-Fixed voodoo dolls breaking the Sprint bar

New addons:
-Jonell Elliott (The Last Revelation/Chronicles/The Angel Of Darkness) player sound replacement
-Dr_Cosmobyte's TR3-5 weapon sound replacement


Final Raider Gold 5.2 MB
Oct 10, 2024

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