A downloadable mod

A mysterious invasion has spilled over to the DC Universe.
Demons have been pouring from mysterious entries that can only be described as "wounds".

In sunny Coney Island, one Harleen Frances Quinzel finds her sunroof caved in by a rocket, her girlfriend's greenhouse set ablaze, and her hyenas disturbed and decides enough is enough.

Time to rev up the Harley.

Grab barrels, flip off enemies, douse them in highly flammable herbicides, squish them with mallets, blow 'em up with rockets, and make sure they regret ever stepping foot in the Big Apple!

Published 7 days ago
CategoryGame mod
TagsDoom, harley-quinn, lfw, weapons-mod


DisasterJesterv11.pk3 27 MB
DisasterJester-AddonsAndPatches.zip 60 MB

Install instructions

Compatible with GZDoom and LZDoom.
Just drag and drop to the sourceport's .exe file by itself or with your addons, map and/or monster set of choice, or load it with a launcher/mod loader.

Ivy companion mod by Doomed Lulle
Brutal Doom Patch by Irrevenant